The morning sun shone through Tom’s window. He sat on his bed, staring at the small blue stone in his hand. His heart was still racing from what had happened. “Did I really make fire?” he thought.
Tom wanted to test it again. He took a deep breath and touched the stone. At first, nothing happened. But when he focused, a small flame appeared on his palm. He quickly waved his hand, and the flame disappeared.
"This is real… I have magic!" he whispered.
Excited and nervous, Tom decided to keep the stone a secret. He wrapped it in a cloth and hid it in his pocket. "I must be careful," he thought.
That day, Tom went to the market with his mother and sister. The village was busy. People were selling fruits, vegetables, and fresh bread. Suddenly, a loud scream broke the peaceful morning.
“Help! Thief!” a woman shouted.
Tom turned and saw a man running through the market, holding a stolen bag. People tried to stop him, but he was too fast.
Without thinking, Tom touched the stone in his pocket. His hand felt warm. He pointed at the ground near the thief, and a small fire appeared. The man stopped in surprise, dropping the bag.
The villagers caught the thief and cheered. Tom quickly stepped back. "Did anyone see me?" he wondered. His heart pounded.
An old man with sharp eyes looked at him. “That was strange…” the man murmured. Tom swallowed hard and walked away.
He didn’t know that his adventure was only beginning.
1.How did Tom feel when he created fire again?
A) Angry
B) Excited and nervous
C) Bored
D) Sad
2.What did Tom do when he saw the thief?
A) He chased him
B) He created a fire to stop him
C) He told the villagers
D) He ignored him
3.Who noticed Tom’s magic?
A) A young boy
B) His mother
C) An old man
D) The thief
•stare – じっと見る
•focus – 集中する
•wrap – 包む
•market – 市場
•thief – 泥棒
•drop – 落とす
•pound (heart pounds) – (心臓が)ドキドキする
•murmur – つぶやく
1.B) Excited and nervous
→ Tom was happy to have magic but also worried about what it meant.
2.B) He created a fire to stop him
→ Tom used magic to surprise the thief and make him stop.
3.C) An old man
→ An old man saw something strange and was suspicious.