The Magic Stone Episode3

The Magic Stone – Episode 3

That evening, Tom sat near the fireplace, thinking about what had happened at the market. “I used magic in front of people… What if someone finds out?” he worried.
His mother and sister sat beside him, talking about their day. They didn’t know anything about the stone. Tom wanted to tell them, but something stopped him.
Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. Knock! Knock!
Tom’s mother opened it. An old man stood outside. He had sharp eyes and a long gray beard. Tom recognized him—it was the man from the market!
“Good evening,” the old man said. “My name is Eldrin. May I speak with the boy who stopped the thief?”
Tom’s heart raced. His mother looked confused. “Tom? What does he mean?”
Tom swallowed hard. He had no choice. “I… I think he means me,” Tom said quietly.
Eldrin stepped inside and looked at Tom carefully. “That was no ordinary trick, was it?” he said.
Tom hesitated, then slowly took out the blue stone from his pocket. Eldrin’s eyes widened. “I knew it… That is a magic stone.”
Tom gasped. “You know about this?”
Eldrin nodded. “Yes. That stone is powerful. And dangerous.”
Tom’s mother looked worried. “Dangerous? What do you mean?”
Eldrin sighed. “Long ago, there were many magic stones. But they disappeared. Some people would do anything to get one.” He turned to Tom. “You must learn how to control your power… before someone else tries to take it from you.”
Tom felt a chill run down his spine. His adventure had taken a new turn.


Reading Comprehension Questions

1.Why was Tom worried in the evening?
A) He lost the magic stone
B) Someone might discover his magic
C) His mother was sick
D) He wanted to leave the village
2.Who came to visit Tom?
A) A thief
B) A soldier
C) An old man named Eldrin
D) A young girl
3.What did Eldrin tell Tom?
A) The stone is powerful and dangerous
B) The stone is just a normal rock
C) Tom should give the stone away
D) Magic is not real


New Vocabulary and Meanings

•fireplace – 暖炉
•knock – ノックする
•recognize – 認識する、見覚えがある
•ordinary – 普通の
•hesitate – ためらう
•disappear – 消える
•control – 操る、制御する
•chill – 寒気


Japanese Translation of the Story

「僕は人前で魔法を使った… もし誰かに知られたら?」 彼は心配だった。
突然、コンコン! とドアをたたく音がした。
トムの心臓が高鳴った。母は困惑してトムを見た。「トム? どういうこと?」
トムは息をのんだ。もう隠せなかった。「ぼ… 僕のことだと思う。」小さな声で答えた。
「やはり… それは魔法の石だ。」
母は心配そうに尋ねた。「危険? どういうことですか?」
エルドリンはため息をついた。「昔、魔法の石はたくさんあった。しかし、それらは姿を消した。石を手に入れるためなら何でもする者もいる。」彼はトムを見つめた。「力を制御する方法を学ばなければならない… 誰かに奪われる前に。」


Answers and Explanation

1.B) Someone might discover his magic
→ Tom was afraid that people would find out about his powers.
2.C) An old man named Eldrin
→ Eldrin was the old man from the market who saw Tom use magic.
3.A) The stone is powerful and dangerous
→ Eldrin explained that the magic stone is rare and some people want it.


NEXT => Coming Soon


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